Todo List Dapp (Legacy)

Build a Todo list Dapp with Solidity, Truffle & React


This course has been DISCONTINUED.

Checkout the new course "6 figures Blockchain developer" instead :)

You will learn how to:

  • Develop Solidity smart contracts: data structures, functions, modifier, mapping, arrays, and more.
  • Use the Truffle framework to build Ethereum Dapps: compilation, migration, configuration of Truffle project
  • Use Web3 and TruffleContract to communicate between the frontend and the smart contract
  • Configure Webpack for Ethereum Dapp development (with truffle-solidity-loader)

This will cover every part of the Dapp:

  • Smart contract (Solidity)
  • Backend (Nodejs server to serve the frontend)
  • Frontend (Javascript, jQuery, React, Redux & Saga)

The dapp will be able to:

  • create new tasks
  • list existing tasks
  • toggle a done/not done status for each task.

The dapp will look like this:

Your Instructor

Julien Klepatch
Julien Klepatch

Hi! My name is Julien and I am the instructor of EatTheBlocks Pro.

I am a senior Blockchain software engineer. I used to work in Finance, and I switched to software development 6 years ago.

For the past 3 years, I have been building Dapps and Solidity smart contracts for several Ethereum and ICOs projects, including Lendingblock, an institutional crypto lending exchange.

I run EatTheBlocks, a youtube channel for Ethereum developers. I have also published a Blockchain course for Manning.

I also contribute to the code of Drizzle and I spoke at TruffleCon 2019 on Drizzle.

I also have extensive experience with Nodejs, Javascript & React, having worked as a full-stack software engineer for the last 6 years. Github & LinkedIn

This course is closed for enrollment.