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Smart Contract Testing (Legacy)
1. Welcome (2:57)
2. Importance of testing for smart contracts (1:01)
3. The Test-driven-development (TDD) approach (1:44)
4. Unit vs Integration Tests (1:43)
5. The Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) Testing Pattern (1:15)
6. What to test? (1:57)
Javascript testing frameworks (Truffle dependencies)
7. Introduction to Mocha (1:32)
8. Introduction to Chai (1:50)
9. First Test With Mocha & Chai - Part I (8:55)
10. First Test With Mocha & Chai - Part II (3:39)
Truffle, the testing framework for smart contracts
11. Introduction (1:55)
12. Install Truffle 5.0 (1:55)
13. Understanding Truffle Contract Artifacts & Truffle Abstraction (6:36)
14. Using Truffle-contract to communicate with smart contracts (7:29)
15. Basic testing workflow - Part I (9:55)
16. Basic testing workflow - Part II (11:22)
17. Understanding Truffle variable injection magic in test files (6:37)
18. Isolate tests with clean room features (3:42)
Beginner Tests
19. Introduction (0:42)
20. Testing integers with Big Number (bn.js) library (10:59)
21. More tricks for Big Number (bn.js) library (8:02)
22. Testing dates - Part I (8:21)
23. Testing dates - Part II (16:26)
24. Testing Ether values (Unpublished)
25. Testing bytes32 (Unpublished)
To be continued...
Intermediate Tests
26. Introduction (Unpublished)
27. Testing enums (Unpublished)
28. Testing with Web3 (Unpublished)
29. Testing events (Unpublished)
To be continued...
Advanced Tests
to be continued...
4. Unit vs Integration Tests
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