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6-Figure Blockchain Developer
Support & Resources
Blockchain & Ethereum
1. Introduction (0:20)
2. Blockchain (5:48)
3. Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin (2:43)
4. Ethereum (2:29)
5. Cryptographic hashes (2:02)
6. Ethereum addresses (1:55)
7. Wallets (3:18)
8. Transactions (2:47)
9. Smart contracts (3:42)
10. Gas (2:43)
11. Ethereum accounts: EOA vs contracts
12. Ethereum networks: Local, public testnets & mainnet
Decentralized Applications
1. Introduction (0:35)
2. What is a decentralized application? Real-Life Dapp Demo (2:46)
3. DeFi and popular Decentralized Application on Ethereum (2:33)
4. Architecture of decentralized application (2:35)
5. Development process of a Decentralized Application (2:18)
Blockchain development tools
1. Introduction (0:45)
2. Remix (2:53)
3. NodeJS & npm
4. Ganache
5. Truffle
6. Metamask
7. Infura
8. Etherscan
Smart contracts & Solidity Development
1. Introduction (1:56)
2. Compilation
3. Structure of a smart contract (2:19)
4. Variable types (8:39)
5. Built-in variables (1:30)
6. Constructor (1:28)
7. Declaring functions (3:48)
8. Function visibility (3:17)
9. Variable visibility (4:11)
10. Deploying & interacting with a smart contract in Remix (5:23)
11. Control structures: if, while, etc... (7:40)
12. Arrays (14:02)
13. Mappings (12:17)
14. Structs (8:28)
15. Events (6:29)
16. Interacting between smart contracts (11:24)
17. Transferring Ether (6:21)
18. Dealing with errors (require, throw...) (9:42)
19. Custom function modifiers (5:17)
20. Inheritance (3:14)
Mini-project "Multisig Wallet" - Code the Solidity smart contract
1. Introduction (1:04)
2. Add approvers (3:02)
3. Get list of approvers (1:13)
4. Create transfers (3:03)
5. Get list of transfers (1:46)
6. Approve transfers (4:10)
7. Receive Ether (1:26)
8. Access control (2:33)
Mini-project "Multisig Wallet" - Testing the smart contract with Truffle
1. Introduction (1:55)
2. Create the Truffle project (3:20)
3. Deploy the smart contract in our test (4:29)
4. Your first Solidity test (6:39)
5. Test createTransfer() (1/2, happy path) (5:47)
6. Test createTransfer() (2/2, unhappy path) (4:47)
7. Test approveTransfer() (1/3, happy path) (4:05)
8. Test approveTransfer() (2/3, happy path) (3:48)
9. Test approveTransfer() (3/3, unhappy path) (4:43)
Mini-project "Multisig Wallet" - Code the frontend (Full Dapp) with JS, React & Web3
1. Introduction (1:11)
2. Let's break down the development process for Dapp frontends (1:20)
3. Add a migration file (5:53)
4. Deploy smart contract to Blockchain with Truffle (3:15)
5. Understanding contract artifacts & ABIs (3:09)
6. Setup the React frontend in our Truffle project (5:23)
7. Start the frontend server and see the Dapp in your browser (1:44)
8. Connect the frontend to the smart contract with Web3 (5:13)
9. Integrate Web3 to our React application (4:41)
10. Read smart contract data from the frontend with Web3 (4:17)
11. Modify smart contract data from the frontend (send transaction) with Web3 (6:46)
12. Show a list of transfers (4:04)
13. Approve transfers (2:27)
14. Integrate Web3 to Metamask (4:44)
15. Use Ganache addresses in Metamask (2:03)
16. Try out the Dapp in your browser! (3:23)
17. Challenge
18. Update to Solidity 0.8
19. Update to Metamask
Mini-project "Multisig Wallet" - Deployment to public testnet and mainnet
1. Introduction (1:03)
2. Creating Ethereum addresses (1:27)
3. Getting some fake Ether with a Faucet (1:28)
4. Create a project in Infura (1:11)
5. Configure Truffle to use Infura with hdwallet-provider (2:42)
6. Safe management of private keys in truffle-config (2:58)
7. Deploy smart contract to Kovan (2:00)
8. Deploying the frontend via Netlify and connect it to smart contract (3:49)
9. Deploying the Dapp to mainnet
Capstone project "Decentralized Exchange for ERC20 tokens" - Smart contract
1. Introduction (1:07)
2. How a decentralized exchange work
3. ERC20 tokens (8:22)
4. Create token registry (4:01)
5. Create wallet (6:57)
6. Integration with the Dai stablecoin (3:49)
7. ERC20 token mocks (1:46)
8. Create limit orders (12:52)
9. Create market orders (17:12)
10. Prevent integer overflow bug (8:13)
11. List orders
12. List tokens
13. Faucet for ERC20 tokens & Dai
Capstone project "Decentralized Exchange for ERC20 tokens" - Tests
1. Introduction (0:55)
2. Setup the Truffle project (2:28)
3. Deploy mock ERC20 tokens (2:29)
4. Deploy The Dex smart contract (3:09)
5. Allocate initial token balances (3:17)
6. Test deposit() (4:59)
7. Test withdraw() (3:58)
8. Test createLimitOrder() (1/3 - Happy path) (5:31)
9. Test createLimitOrder() (2/3 - Happy path) (3:19)
10. Test createLimitOrder() (3/3 - Unhappy path) (4:44)
11. Test createMarketOrder() (1/2 - Happy path) (5:13)
12. Test createMarketOrder() (2/2 - Unhappy path) (5:19)
Capstone project "Decentralized Exchange for ERC20 tokens" - Frontend
1. Introduction (0:41)
2. Setup the Truffle project (2:29)
3. Create the migration file (4:00)
4. Seed token balances (3:44)
5. Seed orders (3:55)
6. Connect frontend to smart contracts with Web3 (7:58)
7. Loading component (4:54)
8. Dropdown component (6:01)
9. Header component (4:11)
10. Integrate Header into App component (5:32)
11. Wallet component (6:17)
12. Integrate Wallet into App component (7:49)
13. New order component (6:05)
14. Integrate New Order into App (3:51)
15. All orders component (3:41)
16. Integrate All orders into App (6:50)
17. My orders component (2:02)
18. Integrate My orders into App (2:12)
19. All trades component - table (1:59)
20. All trades component - chart (2:38)
21. Integrate All trades into App (9:51)
22. Try it out in your browser! (3:08)
23. Update to Solidity 0.8
24. Update to Metamask
Finding your first Blockchain job: Aim, Load, Fire
1. Introduction (0:33)
2. The 3 steps to find your first Blockchain job (Aim, Load, Fire) (0:59)
3. Aim: Position yourself on the job market (4:55)
4. Load: Build a ROCKSTAR Blockchain CV (3:23)
5. Load: Create a job magnet LinkedIn profile (8:15)
6. Load: Showcase your portfolio of Blockchain projects on Github (coming soon)
7. Fire: The best places to find (well-paid) Blockchain jobs (3:28)
8. Fire: Prepare for the technical interview - Easy questions (15:50)
9. Fire: Prepare for the technical interview - Intermediate questions (17:19)
10. Fire: Prepare for the technical interview - Difficult questions (8:14)
Bonus 1: Useful Solidity snippets
Bonus 2: Directory of top Blockchain companies
Bonus 3: Access to private Discord group for 24/7 support
2. Creating Ethereum addresses
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