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Smart Contract Security 101
1. Welcome
1.1. Introduction (3:24)
1.2. Understanding Security Importance (4:28)
1.3. Prerequisites
1.4. Support & Resources
1.5. Quiz
2. Access Control
2.1. AgreedPrice (1:34)
2.2. AgreedPrice Tests (4:44)
2.3. Require Statement Solution (4:06)
2.4. Custom Modifier Solution (5:28)
2.5. Community Vetted Code (2:35)
2.6. Ownable Solution (3:09)
2.7. Quiz
3. Unencrypted Data
3.1. Unencrypted Data Introduction (0:51)
3.2. Vault Contract (2:35)
3.3. Storage Layout (2:07)
3.4. Peeking in the storage (4:12)
3.5. Conclusions (0:52)
3.6. Quiz
4. Overflow
4.1. Overflow Introduction (3:50)
4.2. SimpleToken (Victim) (2:07)
4.3. Exploit (5:35)
4.4. Overflow Soltuions (5:07)
4.5. Conclusions (1:33)
4.6. Quiz
5. Contracts Interactions
5.1. Contracts Interactions Introduction (1:46)
5.2. Call(), send(), transfer() (2:33)
5.3. SavingsAccount & Investor contracts (2:11)
5.4. Interactions Tests (6:40)
5.5. Quiz
6. Reentrancy
6.1. Introdiction (2:06)
6.2. SavingAccounts V2 & InvestorV2 (2:18)
6.3. Reentrancy Attack (5:39)
6.4. Reentrancy Solutions (4:40)
6.5. Quiz
7. Tx.origin
7.1. Introduction (2:20)
7.2. SmallWallet & Attacker (2:19)
7.3. Exploit (3:31)
7.4. Solution (1:28)
7.5. Quiz
8. Denial Of Service
8.1. Introduction (1:38)
8.2. Auction Contract (2:38)
8.3. Attack (5:34)
8.4. Solution - Auction V2 (6:06)
8.5. Quiz
9. Upgradeability
9.1. Introduction (1:58)
9.2. How Delegatecall Works (3:49)
9.3. Storage Collisions (7:58)
9.4. Custom Solution And Related Vulnerabilities (4:53)
9.5. Quiz
10. Weak Randomness
10.1. Introduction (1:44)
10.2. Lottery Contract (2:53)
10.3. The Path Of A Transaction (2:17)
10.4. Miner Attack (5:16)
10.5. Replicated Logic Attack (3:11)
10.6. Chainlink VRF (5:50)
10.7. Quiz
11. Replay Attacks
11.1. Introduction (1:48)
11.2. Signing a message off-chain with a wallet (1:33)
11.3. MultiSigWallet Contract (2:12)
11.4. Replay Attack on MultiSig (3:06)
11.5. Replay Attack Fix (2:52)
11.6. Quiz
12. Real Life Hacks
12.1. Introduction (0:50)
12.2. The DAO (5:22)
12.3. The King Of Ether (2:41)
12.4. Parity Multi Sig Wallet (5:49)
13. Conclusion
13.1. Conclusion (1:27)
7.4. Solution
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